Best Emblem and build for Yunaka in Fire Emblem Engage

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Fire Emblem Engage is a tactical role-playing game with a large cast of characters that players can recruit to take into battle. Yunaka is one of these characters, a very popular one. She starts as a thief class and has much potential in combat if built correctly.

Today's post will cover what kind of gear, class, Emblem, etc., choices best suit this thief.

Best Classes for Yunaka in Fire Emblem Engage

Yunaka joins the party in chapter six as a thief and is one of the few characters that stays very strong till the end of the game without needing to change classes. As a thief, Yunaka has excellent stats in DEX and SPD. The Dexterity (DEX) stat governs a character’s hit chance and the chance to hit critically.

If Speed is five points higher than the enemy, characters can hit them twice. It also affects Avoidance (AVO), allowing a character to dodge an attack completely. AVO is not to be mistaken with the Dodge stat that determines whether a character can avoid being hit by a critical attack.

As mentioned, Yunaka has excellent stats in DEX and SPD that let her be great at dealing with damage and avoiding attacks using AVO. She also has high resistance (RES), making her a great mage killer. RES lowers the amount of damage taken from magic.

She needs terrain that provides a bonus to AVO that pairs well with her “Trained to Kill” skill which provides a bonus to crit as long as Yunaka is in such terrain. She does come with low defense, making her relatively weak against other hi-defense enemies as they can often outlast her. She also can’t do well on maps without the AVO-increasing terrain.

If someone wants to promote Yunaka, they might choose Wolf Knight. It will allow her to use swords without losing the benefit of her knives. Doing so will also give her more mobility to move around the battlefield.

Best Emblem for Yunaka in Fire Emblem Engage

Emblems are another thing Yunaka doesn’t need to shine in her role. But if one must equip her with an emblem, then Marth might be the best choice. Having Marth as the equipped emblem will allow Yunaka to stack massive amounts of AVO, making her practically unhittable.

Players might want to look into Sigurd if promoted to Wolf Knight. The momentum skill that he provides allows a character to stack attack damage the more they move.

Corrin seems to be another popular choice among Fire Emblem Engage players due to its Dragon Vein skill. This Emblem lets its users create various terrains, walls, or bridges.

Lyn is also a great choice if players try to stack even more SPD on Yunaka.

Fire Emblem Engage is a well-reviewed RPG available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch. Readers can click here for more news, guides, and game information.

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