He should never speak in public again

Publish date: 2024-05-12

Alpine driver Pierre Gasly was called by fans on social media for an off-colour joke he made during a video released by F1.

Gasly, along with other F1 drivers, played a game of 'Never Have I Ever,' where they answered questions like their worst haircut or topless selfies of their own. While answering his most embarrassing nickname, the French driver went a bit off-script and said that he was called a 'tripod'.

The answer did not sit well with some fans on social media, who took to Twitter to express their feelings. One fan said that the only reason for not filing a petition against Pierre Gasly was that he was friends with Charles Leclerc:

"The only reason I'm not starting a petition to put down Pierre Gasly like a lame horse rn is that that would make Charles sad. He just stood there and said tripod. He needs to be put in isolation. He should never speak in public again."

Here are some more reactions:

"Pierre Gasly was more like a brother, just really fully open" - Yuki Tsunoda

While commenting on his relationship with former AlphaTauri teammate Pierre Gasly, Yuki Tsunoda said that the Frenchman was like a brother to him.

During his Beyond the Grid appearance, Tsunoda said:

"It's definitely different. Pierre was more like a brother, just really fully open. Maybe sometimes it was too open. I just feel really, really comfortable with Pierre. With Nyck, we still have a good relationship. We joke with each other. "I wouldn’t say like a brother, but he’s a really, really good friend. I went with him for lunch, and we explored Melbourne. Yeah, when we see each other at the track, we say hi. He’s living in Milan, so any time I can text him, and we can go for food.

Tsunoda added:

"As soon as we wear the helmet, we’re just rivals. I don't think it’s necessary to have tension between us. We’re automatically going to be in the zone where teammates are one of the drivers we want to beat most. We’re going to have that kind of mindset anyway. It’s much easier to just be normal friends rather than ‘driver friends’.

It will be interesting to see how their battles play out, as they no longer drive for the same team.

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