How to tame Argentavis in ARK: Lost Island in 2022

Publish date: 2024-05-05

ARK: Lost Island is one of the most popular survival games right now. This map is a combination of all the previous ARK maps like The Island, Ragnarok, Scorched Earth, and The Genesis, which were very much adored by the fans.

The map of ARK: Lost Island also looks exactly like the map of Tamriel from the famous fantasy-RPG Elder's Scrolls series.

Surviving in the wildlands of ARK: Lost Island requires players to collect materials, build bases, craft items, tame various dinosaurs, fight natural adversities and dangerous creatures.

One must have several tames for transportation purposes, farming resources, and fighting other wild dinos. Almost every creature can be useful tame for one use or another. That is why this article states the easiest way to tame the flying menace in ARK: Lost Island: Argentavis.

Easiest way to tame an Argentavis in ARK: Lost Island

Argentavis looks horrifying yet spectacular (Image via ARK Fandom)

Argentavis atrocollum is one of the island's ferocious avian hunters and scavangers. It has an odd vision for a bird of prey. It only attacks when the prey is right beneath it. Argys can be found in any high-altitude area of the map, especially the snow mountains. Argentavis mostly comes in a gray and red color combinations, and it looks like a cross-breed of eagle and vulture. It is the largest bird in ARK: Lost Island.

Argy is an essential tame for any ARK: Lost Island player. These creatures dominate the sky. Argentavis is called the 'Jack of All Trades' as they are suitable for various purposes. From war mounts and alpha slayers to transporters and player killers, Argentavis can play all those roles with a skilled rider.

Though being slower, Argys have almost 3x more stamina than any other flying creature, they can support the weight of two riders, and last but not the least, their saddle doubles as a mobile crafting bench.

Foods needed for taming

Wild Argentavis, ARK: Lost Island (Image via Sportskeeda)

The best foods to tame an Argy, in the order from most effective to least effective order are, superior kibble, raw mutton, raw prime meat, raw prime fish meat, cooked lamb chop, and cooked prime meat. Here is a table with the approximate time and food needed to tame a level 150 Argy:

Cooked prime meatRaw prime meatSuperior kibble
Time2:08 hrs.1:05 hrs.27 mins.

From the above chart, it is proven that superior kibble is the most effective food to tame an Argy. Narcotics consumption is 50 per hour.

Knocking down an Argy

Argentavis (Image via Sportskeeda)

Knocking down an Argy without a trap on ARK: Lost Island is hard. Argys (specifically the high level ones) have a tendency to fly away as their torpor level goes up, and they also have a rapid regeneration ability that helps them regenerate their health quickly while injured. But this rapid regeneration ability can be used against Argys to tame them.

Tamed Argentavis (Image via Sportskeeda)

By understanding the behavior and pecualrities of Argentavis' and the above steps, ARK: Lost Island players can easily tame the avian hunters for themselves.

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