Lisa Rinnas newly repaired duck lips arent healing properly

Publish date: 2024-06-08


Back in October of this year, Lisa Rinna finally went in to a plastic surgeon to have her horrible duck lips repaired, after a silicone tragedy befell them many years ago. You see, Lisa used to get hot lead (or whatever) injected into her lips back in the ‘80s. And something happened and the procedure became permanent, and Rinna became known as “that chick with the disgusting lips”. So she had them worked on… only now the cure seems worse than the disease. Prepare yourself, this gets GROSS.

LISA RINNA is trapped in a plastic surgery nightmare – her surgically altered “trout pout” lips won’t heal!

The former Melrose Place star, 47, recently underwent a procedure to remove silicone from her lips that had been implanted back in 1986. But now her recovery hasn’t gone well – and she’s terrified that if she smiles too much her lips might bust open!

“Her doctors told Lisa it’s going to take months longer for her to heal,” a close pal told The ENQUIRER. “Lisa’s trying not to talk or even smile for long for fear of popping open her lips. She told a pal, ‘I look like I’m mad all the time, but I’m just trying to get my lips to heal properly!'”

While lip injections are popular in Hollywood, the procedure can lead to serious complications, Dr. Anthony Youn, a leading cosmetic surgeon told The ENQUIRER.

“Any time you have anything permanent injected into the lips, you are playing Russian roulette with your face,” Dr. Youn divulged. “There are serious risks.”

While Rinna was under the examination table, her doctor warned her: “The tissue is under tension. It’s not coming together.”

According to Dr. Youn, her lips could take up to six months to heal. Her pal said: “The whole thing has been driving Lisa crazy!”

[From The National Enquirer, print and online editions]

The Enquirer’s print edition has absolutely disgusting photos to go along with the story, which I’m very glad we can’t reprint here. Her mouth basically looks like (AVERT YOUR EYES IF YOU GROSS OUT EASILY) a ripped, bloody anus. It’s disgusting. And unsanitary. I don’t see how she can even function with her mouth like that – how does she eat? How does she brush her teeth? Ugh.


Photos courtesy of Bauer-Griffin and Fame.
