Nicolette Langley and others in Lifetimes thriller film

Publish date: 2024-05-25

My Best Friend’s Secret Life is Lifetime’s newest thriller drama that is set to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. It is about a girl making a new friend and trusting her blindly.

The title of the Lifetime movie has been changed twice; first it was Friends in Deadly Places but was then changed to My Escort Best Friend before settling on the current title.

The protagonist Maggie unknowingly becomes part of a trafficking ring when she decides to trust her new BFF Laurel. The latter takes her to top clubs to meet clients. When Maggie finds out the truth, it is too late.

The official synopsis reads:

“When teenager Maggie makes a new friend in the cool, edgy Laurel, she’s thrilled. But Maggie soon realizes she’s being groomed for something much worse than a best friend, and it’s up to her mother Kate to save her.”

Meet the cast of ‘My Best Friend’s Secret Life’

1) Nicolette Langley as Maggie

Born in Los Angeles, Nicolette Langley recently started featuring in television series and movies. Some of her work includes Party from Hell, Killer Cheerleader, Beware of Mom, Christmas Matchmakers, Dangerous Snow Day and Betrayed.

Langley’s recent Instagram post grabbed attention as she was seen posing with Canadian actor Devon Bagby. She captioned it with a heart emoji and Bagby commented with kiss emojis. It has not yet been confirmed whether the two are dating.

Meanwhile, Langley will be seen in Lifetime’s My Best Friend’s Secret Life where she’ll play the protagonist Maggie.

2) René Ashton plays Kate

The critically acclaimed actress René Ashton is also a producer, director and writer. Some of her 99 credits include This Is Us, NCIS: Los Angeles, Westworld, Grey’s Anatomy, Christmas in Pine Valley and Killer Cover Up.

She is also the co-founder of “Get It Girl,” a platform that supports women of the entertainment industry. The award-winning actress is a mother of three and will next be seen in the new Lifetime flick. She plays Maggie’s mother Kate in My Best Friend’s Secret Life.

3) Rachel Turner as Laurel

The upcoming Lifetime flick is Rachel Turner’s second project after making debut with Dancer in Danger at the beginning of this year. She will be seen portraying Laurel’s character, who pretends to be Maggie’s friend.

Hailing from Richmond, VA, Turner is currently staying in Los Angeles where she moved in 2019. She learned acting at Elon University in the BFA Acting program and has been part of musical theater since she was 11. Prior to her debut in movies, Turner appeared in multiple commercials.

4) Philip Boyd plays Dan

Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Philip Boyd is an American actor with 66 credits to his name. He is known for The Haves and the Havenots, In-Lawfully Yours, Feud, Orphan Horse, Deadly Due Date, Bloodbath and General Hospital.

As per his Instagram profile, he is also a writer and golf player. In the new Lifetime thriller, he will play Dan, the antagonist.

In addition to the aforementioned cast, My Best Friend’s Secret Life also stars the following actors:

Directed by Ben Meyerson, My Best Friend’s Secret Life is all set to premiere on Lifetime at 8.00 pm ET on Sunday, January 16.

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