What is Kamutoke in Jujutsu Kaisen? Sukuna's Cursed Tool Explained

Publish date: 2024-04-30

In the intricate world of Jujutsu Kaisen, the concept of cursed tools plays a pivotal role in the narrative's progression and the characters' development. Among these, Kamutoke emerges as a significant artifact, with its enigmatic nature and potent abilities. This article delves into the essence of Kamutoke, exploring its origins, capabilities, and impact within the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.

Cursed tools, in general, are weapons or items imbued with cursed energy, allowing them to be used effectively against cursed spirits. These tools range from simple weapons enhanced by a sorcerer's energy to complex objects with inherent cursed techniques. However, Kamutoke is not just any cursed tool; it is a unique object with a backstory as intriguing as its power.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen manga.

Origins of Kamutoke in Jujutsu Kaisen

Kamutoke's first appearance is a momentous event in the Jujutsu Kaisen series, occurring in Chapter 237. This chapter's narrative takes a significant turn as Sukuna, the King of Curses, resurrects his original form. This resurrection is facilitated by the cursed object known as Kamutoke, which was created by Yorozu.

Yorozu is a powerful sorceress who lived a thousand years ago and was deeply obsessed with the King of Curses, Sukuna. She reincarnated to the present through Tsumiki, Megumi's sister, due to Kenjaku's machinations using Mahito’s powers during the Culling Game arc.

Despite her profound affection, Sukuna, driven by his narcissistic nature and overarching schemes, regarded her and Tsumiki as mere obstacles. His ultimate aim was to break Megumi, making him a more suitable vessel. In pursuit of this goal, Sukuna later took her life. However, moments before her demise, Yorozu created Kamutoke, a vajra-like cursed tool, through a Binding Vow and gifted it to Sukuna.

Delivered to Sukuna by Uraume, encased within a block of ice, Kamutoke arrives at a critical juncture. Its delivery marks a pivotal moment in the manga's storyline and signifies the culmination of Yorozu's life's work and her final act before death.

Capabilities and Mysteries of Kamutoke

While the full extent of Kamutoke's abilities remains shrouded in mystery, its known capacity to launch potent electrical attacks is undeniable. In recent chapters of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, particularly Chapter 237, Sukuna demonstrated Kamutoke's destructive potential by unleashing a massive electrical assault on the character Kashimo.

However, the attack failed due to Kashimo's immunity to electricity. Despite this setback, the power of Kamutoke distinguishes it from other cursed tools, suggesting a deeper connection to its creator's will and possibly to Sukuna's own cursed techniques.

In the chapter, Sukuna's words, stating that the attack "took him back," imply a sense of nostalgia or familiarity. This statement suggests that Sukuna may have previously wielded Kamutoke or harnessed a similar power. The remark indicates that the experience of using Kamutoke's electric attack is not a novel one for him, hinting at its past use in significant conflicts.

As depicted in Chapter 238, Sukuna, in his true form and wielding the cursed weapon Kamutoke, vanquished the five void generals and the formidable Sun, Moon, and Stars squad of the North Fujiwara family. His fearsome strength also compelled powerful factions like the "Dessichin Squad" of the Sugawara Clan and the Angels from the Abe Clan to retreat, demonstrating his dominion and the sheer might that allowed him to transcend the very concept of a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

Moreover, the narrative impact of Kamutoke has been profound. Its introduction has led to significant developments, particularly concerning Sukuna's strategies and battles. Fan theories have abounded since Kamutoke's debut, with many speculating on how it might alter the course of future battles. Some suggest that Kamutoke could be the deciding factor in Sukuna's confrontations, potentially affecting the outcomes of fights with pivotal characters such as Yuji.


In conclusion, the Kamutoke emerges as a significant cursed tool within the Jujutsu Kaisen narrative. Its origins, tied to the skilled sorceress Yorozu, add a layer of depth to the series lore. As a cursed tool, its capabilities are both fascinating and fearsome, hinting at the possibility of future revelations that could shake the foundations of the jujutsu world.

The impact of Kamutoke is yet to be fully realized, but its presence is a clear indicator of the intricate storytelling that Jujutsu Kaisen is known for. As the series continues to unfold, the role of Kamutoke will undoubtedly be a focal point for fans and characters as they navigate the dangerous and cursed landscape of this captivating universe.

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