Which Warriors stars played for the Knicks and the Mavericks? NBA HoopGrids answers for September 19

Publish date: 2024-06-02

The latest NBA HoopGrids puzzle has been released. With the league still in the offseason, fans have had fun testing their basketball knowledge with this daily trivia quiz. The grid has become a hit, particularly among hardcore hoop fanatics, as it stretches the limits of their familiarity with players and teams.

Every day brings a new challenge, which makes the puzzles all the more interesting. Here is the latest basketball test to solve:

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Clues to the September 19 NBA HoopGrids

Cell 1 - Player who had stints with the New York Knicks and Golden State Warriors

Cell 2 - Player who had stints with the Knicks and Boston Celtics

Cell 3 - Knicks player who was top-30 in points in a season

Cell 4 - Player who had stints with the Dallas Mavericks and Warriors

Cell 5 - Player who had stints with the Mavericks and Celtics

Cell 6 - Mavericks player who was top-30 in points in a season

Cell 7 - Golden State Warriors player who had a 25+ point game in the NBA Finals

Cell 8 - Boston Celtics player who had a 25+ point game in the NBA Finals

Cell 9 - Player who was top-30 in points in a season and 25+ point game in the NBA Finals

Answers to the September 19 NBA HoopGrids

Cell 1 could be David Lee, Jarrett Jack, Clarence Weatherspoon and Micheal Ray Richardson. They all played for the New York Knicks and Golden State Warriors.

Walter McCarty, Xavier McDaniel, Stephon Marbury and Vin Baker suited up for the Knicks and Boston Celtics. Cell 2 is where they fit best.

Bernard King, Richie Guerin, Earl Monroe and Bob McAdoo were top-30 in points in a single season while with the Knicks. King won the league scoring title during the 1984-85 season when he averaged 32.9 PPG. They’re excellent answers to Cell 3 of the NBA HoopGrids.

Cell 4 could be Avery Johnson, Kelvin Upshaw, Devean George, Richard Jefferson and Harrison Barnes. They all suited up for the Dallas Mavericks and Golden State Warriors. Barnes won a championship with the Warriors before playing for the Mavericks.

Mavericks players who also donned Boston Celtics jerseys include Raef LaFrentz, Rajon Rondo, Brandon Bass, Sam Cassell and Tony Delk. Cell 5 is where they fit best.

Cell 6 could be Mark Aguirre, Josh Howard, Derek Harper, Jamal Mashburn and Steve Nash. They were top-30 in points in a single season while playing for the Dallas Mavericks.

Answers to Cells 7-9 are here.

Here’s the completed NBA HoopGrids puzzle:

Here's the completed September 19 NBA HoopGrids

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